Monday, May 21, 2007

My Century Book Publishing Consulting

We also provide coaching, education, ghostwriting, editorial, design, marketing, distributing and printing assistance to authors with My Century Book Publishing Consulting.

It's a full-service book sheparding/production company with consultation on branding, publishing, distribution and fulfillment options for writers that want their own publishing company and/or wish to collaborate in the production of books of exceptional quality.

We created My Century specifically to help authors make the best book possible. We provide coaching, pay royalties and take submissions, however we do not accept all manuscripts for publication.We partner with our authors to create a high quality, well-designed, salable book; not a quick, get-it-out-there-in-a-minute unprofessional job. We offer sincere editing and criticism aimed at making the author successful.

Before you choose another publishing solution - give us a call. Quality and personal service is the 22nd Century Press and My Century difference.