The Long Steep Climb
Dr. Charles H. Epps
Summer 2010
The Memoir of a World Class Orthopaedic Surgeon
Motivated • Determined • Achiever
Leader • Dedicated • Mentor
Advocate • Role Model
A Leader in
Excellence, Equality, and Diversity
These are words often used to describe Dr. Charles Harry Epps – a prominent orthopedic surgeon, professor, administrator, and board member. However, the road to these achievements was anything but simple.
Growing up in a time that marginalized even the best citizens that may have looked like him, Charles Epps made his way and paved the way for many others to obtain the American Dream.
Follow this intriguing story as he faces battles he could never have foretold to reach his dream of becoming a surgeon. Once he made this goal, the trials that could make the ‘less motivated’ give up did not stop. Life had much more in store for Charlie.
His challenges only made him more determined and lucky for us, he has chosen to share his journey as an educator, physician, and valued mentor and colleague. This memoir will show a side of the man that many never knew existed.
Dr. Charles H. Epps is the recipient of the Marymount University Annual Ethics award, author of African American Medical Pioneers (1994) and editor of several textbooks, former president of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and Dean of the Howard University College of Medicine.
The Long Steep Climb, the memoir of Dr. Charles H. Epps will be published by 22nd Century Press. A special preview will be at 22nd Century Press' booth at the BEA (Book Expo America) in NYC May 28 - 31, 2009.